Photo Wallpaper

Here's a great way to drive home the point that photos of your children (or dog, or mother, or self) are the most beautiful in the world: Pick one spectacular shot, and plaster it across the entire screen as your computer's new desktop wallpaper picture. It's like refrigerator art on steroids.

Creating wallpaper like this is so easy that you could change the picture every day—and you may well want to.

Start by clicking the thumbnail of the photo you want to use as your wallpaper. Then:

  • iPhoto. Choose Share→Set as Desktop.

  • Picasa. Choose Create→Set as Desktop. Click Yes.

That's it; there is no step 2. Even though the iPhoto/Picasa window is probably blocking your view of it, your desktop is now filled with the picture you chose.


iPhoto Note: If you choose several thumbnails or an album, iPhoto assumes that you intend to make Mac OS X rotate among your selected photos, displaying a new one every few minutes on your desktop throughout the day. To confirm its understanding, Mac OS X opens up the relevant panel of System Preferences so you can specify how often you want the photos to change.

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