


Interface Name: java.sql.Statement

Superclass: None

Immediate Subclasses: java.sql.PreparedStatement

Interfaces Implemented: None

Availability: JDK 1.1


This class represents an embedded SQL statement and is used by an application to perform database access. Closing a Statement automatically closes any open ResultSet associated with the Statement.

Class Summary

  public interface Statement {
    void addBatch(String sql) throws SQLException;
    void cancel( ) throws SQLException;
    void clearBatch( ) throws SQLException;
    void clearWarnings( ) throws SQLException;
    void close( ) throws SQLException;
    boolean execute(String sql) throws SQLException;
    int[] executeBatch( ) throws SQLException;
    ResultSet executeQuery(String sql) 
        throws SQLException;
    int executeUpdate(String sql) throws SQLException;
    Connection getConnection( ) throws SQLException;
    int getFetchDirection( ) throws SQLException;
    int getFetchSize( ) throws SQLException;
    int getMaxFieldSize( ) throws SQLException;    
    int getMaxRows( ) throws SQLException;
    boolean getMoreResults( ) throws SQLException;
    int getQueryTimeout( ) throws SQLException;
    ResultSet getResultSet( ) throws SQLException;
    int getResultSetConcurrency( ) throws SQLException;
    int getResultSetType( ) throws SQLException;
    int getUpdateCount( ) throws SQLException;
    SQLWarning getWarnings( ) throws SQLException;
    void setCursorName(String name) throws SQLException;
    void setEscapeProcessing(boolean enable) 
        throws SQLException;
    void setFetchDirection(int ...

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