Solutions to Selected Exercises

Problem 2-2


Problem 4-1

Connect Movie to Video-copy as a 1-to-N relationship (Video-copy at the N side); or, use a generalization from Movie to Video-copy, with Movie being the supertype and Video-copy as the subtype.

Problem 6-1

Given the table R1(A, B, C) with FDs A -> B and B -> C:

1. Is A a superkey for this table?     Yes
2. Is B a superkey for this table?     No
3. Is this table in 3NF, BCNF, or neither?   Neither 3NF nor BCNF

Problem 6-3

Table FDs Level of Normalization
customer cid -> cname, caddress BCNF
order orderno -> cid BCNF
department NONE BCNF
salesperson sid -> deptno BCNF
item itemno -> deptno, ...

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