Chapter 15

Top Ten Data Visualization Resources

In This Chapter

arrow Discovering infographics submitted by user groups

arrow Learning about data viz from experts

arrow Adding skills to your data viz toolkit

The Internet is full of data visualizations. Some are great, some are less than great, and some are awful. Because of the popularity of infographics and other visuals, it seems that almost everyone wants to try his or her hand at data visualization.

We encourage you to experiment in the world of data visualization. We want you to use data visualizations to help your data tell interesting stories and provide a competitive advantage. But before you create a data viz, we suggest that you look at the excellent examples shown in the resources suggested in this chapter. For ongoing inspiration, bookmark the sites in your browser, and check them out on a regular basis. New trends and information are being shared daily.

Edward Tufte

Yale University Professor Edward Tufte's views on data visualization have helped shape the industry. He provides compelling discussions and insights ...

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