Unit 25Demystifying Universal Functions

Vectorized universal functions, or ufuncs, are a functional counterpart of broadcasting. You can apply ufuncs to all array items at once in one function call. numpy provides a lot of ufuncs, and here are some of them:

  • arithmetic: add, multiply, negative, exp, log, sqrt

  • trigonometric: sin, cos, hypot

  • bitwise: bitwise_and, left_shift

  • relational and logical: less, logical_not, equal

  • maximum and minimum

  • functions for working with floating-point numbers: isinf, isfinite, floor, isnan

Let’s say we recorded the stock prices for the eight sap symbols after and before the weekend of 01/10/2016 in a one-dimensional array called stocks:

=> array([ 140.49, 0.97, 40.68, 41.53, 55.7 , 57.21, 98.2 ,

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