Unit 12Pickling and Unpickling Data

The module pickle implements serialization—saving arbitrary Python data structures into a file and reading them back as a Python expression. You can read a pickled expression from the file with any Python program, but not with a program written in another language (unless an implementation of the pickle protocol exists in that language).

You must open a pickle file for reading or writing in binary mode:

 # Dump an object into a file
 with​ open(​"myData.pickle"​, ​"wb"​) ​as​ oFile:
  pickle.dump(object, oFile)
 # Load the same object back
 with​ open(​"myData.pickle"​, ​"rb"​) ​as​ iFile:
  object = pickle.load(iFile)

You can store more than one object in a pickle file. The function load either ...

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