
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” indicates a figure, “t” indicates a table, and “b” indicates entry is inside boxed text.

0 − 1 loss function, 160
0.632 bootstrap, 155
1R (1-rule), 86–90
discretization, 315
example use, 87t
learning procedure, 89–90
missing values and numeric data, 87–89
overfitting for, 88
pseudocode, 86f
11-point average recall, 175


accuracy, of association rules, 72, 73, 116
minimum, 72, 119, 122–123
accuracy, of classification rules, 110, 205
activation function, 241–242
acuity parameter, 281
AD trees. See all-dimensions trees
AdaBoost, 358–361
AdaBoostM1 algorithm, 358–359, 475t, 476–477
Add filter, 433t–435t, 436
AddClassification filter, 444t, 445
AddCluster filter, 433t–435t, 436–437
AddExpression filter, ...

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