R packages

Despite this book being heavily loaded with R code, it uses existing R packages quite frugally. This is because the example code serves the purpose of illustrating the internal operation mechanics of data mining algorithms rather than demonstrating the usage of their popular R implementations. Even the case studies of Chapter 20 do not employ many of them. Those few that are used in the book provide modeling algorithm implementations and other auxiliary functions, as well as datasets. Apart from the standard base, stats, and datasets packages—which are always preinstalled and preloaded—the remaining contributed packages have to be explicitly loaded and—depending on the particular R environment, which may come with several popular packages preinstalled—installed from a CRAN repository mirror.

A more important category of R packages related are those that serve as containers for all the reusable R functions defined in this book's examples, as well as some simple utility functions not included in the book due to their lack of didactic value. They all have the dmr. name prefix and are referred to as DMR packages. These can be downloaded from the book's website and then installed from local files.

Whenever a CRAN or DMR package is used by one or more examples presented in a chapter, it is explicitly loaded in the chapter's first example. This appendix contains a full list of packages of both these categories that are required by any code snipped occurring in the book. ...

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