
WCF provides for the means to design RESTful web services that include UriTemplate customization, HTTP status codes, caching policies, authorization through credentials, parameter and URI segment manipulation, and much more. The data can be formatted as JSON, XML, RSS, or Atom in many cases, and can be consumed with a variety of tools, including LINQ to XML, LINQ to JSON, DataContractSerializer, and DataContractJsonSerializer, among others.

This chapter showed you how to build custom RESTful services using WCF that send and receive requests that utilize many of these tools and features. It wrapped up with a case study showing how to build a Silverlight client application named SilverTwit that takes advantage of many of the concepts discussed in this book that are essential to building Silverlight client applications that communicate with cloud services. The next chapter will continue the discussion of accessing syndication data in the cloud and processing it with Silverlight 2.

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