Lists (aka Arrays)

Lists of things are a requirement of any language. Easing developers into the language, Dart sticks close to the expected with lists.

var​ muppets = [​'The Count'​, ​'Bert'​, ​'Ernie'​, ​'Snuffleupagus'​];
var​ primes = [1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11];
// Indexed from zero
muppets[0]; ​// 'The Count'
primes.length; ​// 6

Dart does provide some nice, consistent methods for manipulating lists.

var​ muppets = [​'The Count'​, ​'Bert'​, ​'Ernie'​, ​'Snuffleupagus'​];
muppets.setRange(1, 3, [​'Kermit'​, ​'Oscar'​]);
// muppets => ['The Count', 'Kermit', 'Oscar', 'Snuffleupagus']
muppets.removeRange(1, 3);
// muppets => ['The Count', 'Snuffleupagus'];
muppets.addAll([​'Elmo'​, ​'Cookie Monster'​]); ...

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