Maps (aka Hashes, Associative Arrays)

Key-value pairs are implemented in Dart by Map objects. Defining an options hash creates a Map.[4]

var​ options = {
'color': ​'red'​,
'number': 2

As you’d expect, retrieving values from a Map is done with square brackets.

options[​'number'​]; ​// 2

Map objects support the usual methods. This includes retrieving keys (the keys getter method) and values (the values getter) and iterating over the entire object with forEach.

var​ options = {
'color': ​'red'​,
'number': 2
options.forEach((k, v) {
print(​"$k: $v"​);
// number: 2
// color: red
Recipe 4 The order of key-value pairs is not guaranteed in most classes that implement the Map interface (like ...

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