University Student Plagiarism in the Digital Age and the Professors’ Role in Detecting and Reporting

Maria del Mar Pàmies Pallisé, Gerard Ryan, Mireia Valverde Aparicio, Gilda María Hernández Maskivker, and Dorina Chicu

Department of Business ManagementUniversitat Rovira i Virgili


Plagiarism in higher education is a serious and persistent problem for universities worldwide (Marcus and Beck 2011; Yazici, Yazici, and Erdem 2011). Although it is not a new phenomenon (Colnerud and Rosander 2009; Ellahi, Mushtaq, and Kahn 2013; Heather 2010), in the last decade plagiarism has become a very common and widespread problem in higher education (Park 2003; Quah, Stewart, and Lee 2012). This chapter reviews the academic literature ...

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