Chapter 1. Getting Started with D3, ES2016, and Node.js

In this chapter, we'll lay the foundations of what you'll need to run all the examples in the book. I'll explain how you can start writing ECMAScript 2016 (ES2016) today—which is the latest and most advanced version of JavaScript—and show you how to use Babel to transpile it to ES5, allowing your modern JavaScript to be run on any browser. We'll then cover the basics of using D3 to render a basic chart.

What is D3.js?

D3 (Data-Driven Documents), developed by Mike Bostock and the D3 community since 2011, is the successor to Bostock's earlier Protovis library. It allows pixel-perfect rendering of data by abstracting the calculation of things such as scales and axes into an easy-to-use domain-specific ...

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