accountability, 174–175

adaptation, continuous, 115–116

Adometry, 129

airlines, 38–40, 58–62, 125–126, 141–142

Amazon, 36–38, 49–50, 186

American Airlines, 38, 141–142

American Revolution, 151

America Online, 15

analytical skills, 174–177

Apple, 88

empathic design at, 179

innovation at, 125

“Think Different” campaign, 173–174

values at, 160

Worldwide Developers Conference, 71

Zune vs., 67

Apple Store, 5, 19, 69–71, 76–77

Asian Development Bank, 163

assumptions, 117

Asymco, 69–70

Athleta, 89


Apple Store, 70–71

blaming customers, 28–29

customer service and, 115–116, 117

purpose and, 171

authenticity, 137–138

automobile industry, 50–53


baby boomers, 14–15

Baer, Jay, 127

Baldrige Performance Excellence Program, ...

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