

A.D. (anno Domini), 12

AC (alternating current), 26

ACHOO Syndrome, 89

acid reflux, 131

acne, dietary triggers, 126–127

acromegaly, 85

addiction to caffeine, 136–137

adhesives, 35–37

Africa, migration of early humans from, 154–155

age-related changes of voice, 75–76

AIDS, 110–111

air, canned, 1–2

air conditioners, 2

albumen (egg white), 190

aldosterone, 80

allergies, 128–129

alternating current (AC), 26

alternative energy sources, 27–28

altitude, gas mileage and, 9

AM (amplitude modulation), 4

amylases, 57

ANA (antinuclear antibodies) test, 145–146

angular gyrus, 168


emotions of, 163–164

instinctive swimming behavior of, 151

Oliver (chimpanzee), 158–159

zoopharmacognosy, 149–150

anno Domini (A.D.), 12

ANS (autonomic nervous system) ...

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