
  1. Al Alawi, Nabil family and background
  2. Al Alawi, Nabil, interview
    1. America in Syria
    2. assumption
    3. backup
    4. Basha Syndrome
    5. blacklisting
    6. CEO culture
    7. conditions demand
    8. contract price
    9. culture
    10. customer is king (slogan)
    11. customers' expectation
    12. no-fly zone
    13. number focus
    14. objective
    15. optimism
    16. perfectionism
    17. setbacks
    18. Shell Oil in Syria
    19. Shelton Baker (company)
    20. “slickline” wire
    21. success, methods for
    22. “take it easy,”
    23. values compromising
    24. wire
    25. workforce attitude
  3. Al Kitani, Harib family and background
  4. Al Kitani interview
    1. alignment, out of
    2. change, scared to
    3. chronic unease
    4. communications
    5. culture push
    6. culture transformation
    7. failure and setbacks
    8. integration accomplishment
    9. leaders as slave of company
    10. leadership
    11. marketing activities
    12. message sent
    13. mind-set
    14. momentum
    15. Oman employment
    16. Oman LNG
    17. Qalhat LNG
    18. siloes, broken
    19. strength vs. weakness
    20. success comes on shore of struggle
    21. success vs. target
    22. total alignment
  5. Albers, John
  6. American Marketing Association (AMA)
  7. Archila Cabal, Juan Carlos family and background
  8. Archila Cabal, Juan Carlos, interview
    1. America Movil
    2. balance
    3. Blackberry
    4. Brightstar Corp
    5. Cade 2000 Plus
    6. Claro
    7. cultural transformation
    8. customer-centric company
    9. discipline with passion
    10. economic crisis of
    11. expectations
    12. experience vs. newness
    13. inner transformation
    14. integrity
    15. Motorola
    16. Nokia
    17. relationships legacy
    18. timing
    19. transformation effort
  10. Behavior
  11. Benko, Cathy family and background
  12. Benko, Cathy, interview
    1. brains
    2. careers
    3. change
    4. Connecting the Dots
    5. Deloitte culture
    6. Deloitte LLP
    7. Deloitte University
    8. e-business ...

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