
Note: Page numbers with “f” denote figures; “t” tables.


Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 264–266
cipher, 232
vs. CPU
AES-NI code, 251
AES-NI sample library, 250
decode kernel, 252
__forceinline__ directive function, 258
global memory bandwidth, 259
gmul tables, 256
GTX470 GPUs, 251
memory bandwidth, 255–256, 256f
num_cipher_blocks, 251
PTX instructions, 257
Sandybridge-E system, 252
s_box function, 255
shared memory, 257, 258f
stack elimination, memory usage, 259, 259f
uint4 type, 257, 266
cudaMemcpyToSymbol function, 262
decryption, 233, 260
ECB, 232, 233f
EXTRACT macro, 239
GT9800 card, 262, 265–266
GTX260 card, 261, 265–266
GTX460 card, 260
__host__ and __device__ qualifiers, 239
initial kernel, 239
ITEF, 232
kernel performance ...

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