

: (colon)

CSS tips, 37

pseudo-element syntax, 95

. (period), defining classes, 51, 54

; (semicolon)

character entities and, 123

troubleshooting CSS code, 373

‘...’ (single quotes)

CSS tips, 37

specifying style, 238–239

/ (slash), adding comments to CSS, 66–67

, (comma), for grouping selectors, 62

“...” (double quotes)

adding generated content, 235

CSS tips, 37

specifying style, 238–240

:: (double colon), pseudo-element syntax, 95

= (equals sign), CSS tips, 37

# (pound), defining ID selectors, 55

& (ampersand), as character entity, 123

* (asterisk)

adding comments to CSS, 66–67

defining universal selectors, 59

styling descendants, 71

[ ] (square brackets), in attribute selector syntax, 96

{ } (curly brackets)

in declarations,

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