Why? What? When? Where? How?


The answer is in the questions

If you’ve ever spent time around a small child, you’ll know they love to ask questions. Especially ‘why?’ (or, more accurately, ‘why!!!???’).

It can be maddening but it also reflects the curiosity and hunger for learning that tends to dim as we grow up. The way to wake it up again is to ask lots of questions.

As adults, usually we interpret ‘why?’ as a challenge. If you change your state of mind to consider it simply as a prompt to learn more, it becomes a great way to open your mind to new ideas.

But don’t limit yourself to ‘why?’ – also try lots of ‘why not?’, ‘what?’, ‘when?’, ‘where?’ and ‘how?’ questions.

It’s not a search for factual answers, it’s a way to be ...

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