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▴ Front piece: This photo shows the full moon rising between abandonedconstruction cranes at an old naval shipyard on Mare Island, California.

200mm, 4 seconds at f/5.6 and ISO 100, tripod mounted

▴ Title page: I used an interval timer to create this long exposure of the setting moon.

18mm, about 90 minutes at f/22 and ISO 100, tripod mounted

▴ Above: This is a detail from a shot straight up at the early morning sky from the top of Half Dome.

16mm, about 36 minutes at f/8 and ISO 100, tripod mounted

Page 6:1 stopped the lens down to as small an aperture as possible in this night shot of the Golden Gate Bridge so that the length of the exposure would exaggerate the light trails from car head lights.: 90mm, 5 minutes at f/22 and ISO 100, tripod mounted

Figure 1. Page 6:1 stopped the lens down to as small an aperture as possible in this night shot of the Golden Gate Bridge so that the length of the exposure would exaggerate the light trails from car head lights.: 90mm, 5 minutes at f/22 and ISO 100, tripod mounted

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