

The size of the opening in a lens. The larger the aperture, the more light that hits the sensor.

Black frame:

An image shot with the shutter closed or the lens cap on for the purpose of noise cancellation.

Black frame reduction:

Combines a black frame with a photo in order to cancel noise in the photo.


A Bulb exposure is one in which the shutter stays open as long as the shutter release is engaged.


Charge-coupled device, or filter, used to shift image signals from one spectrum to another.


Combined images that are used to create a new composition.


The area in front of and behind a subject that is in focus.


Digital Single lens Reflex, a camera in which photos are composed through the lens that will be used to take the actual image.

Dynamic range:

The difference between the lightest tonal values one can see and the darkest tonal values in a photo,


The amount, or act, of light hitting the camera sensor; also the camera settings used to capture this incoming light

Exposure histogram:

A bar graph displayed on a camera or computer showing the distribution of lights and darks in a photo.

f-number, f-stop:

The size of the aperture, written f/n, where n is the f-number. The larger the f-number, the smaller the opening in the lens.

Focal length:

The distance from the end of the lens to the sensor.


Global Positioning System, a radio-navigation system that provides location, navigation and timing services.


HDR: The process of creating a HDR ...

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