Classes in Package


This class is similar in effect and purpose to the EventListenerList found in the Swing package. It serves as a type-safe means of storing several listeners in a single list. You can attach a listener to this list using the add( ) method. Notice that you specify the class type of the listener in addition to the listener itself. This class type can be used later to filter out a subset of listeners that fit a particular description.

public class EventListenerList implements Serializable {
 // Instance Fields
   protected transient Object[] listenerList;
 // Constructors
   public EventListenerList(  )
 // Instance Methods
   public synchronized void add(Class t, EventListener l)
   public int getListenerCount(Class t)
   public int getListenerCount(  )
   public Object; getListenerList(  )
   public synchronized void remove(Class t, EventListener l)
   public String toString(  )  // Overrides java.lang.Object


This event describes a change in the current HelpModel. This could be a change in a specific ID or a change in the highlighting (represented by pos0 and pos1).

public class HelpModelEvent extends EventObject {
 // Constructors
   public HelpModelEvent(Object source, int pos0, int pos1)
   public HelpModelEvent(Object source, Map.ID id, URL url)
 // Instance Methods
   public Map.ID getID(  )
   public int getPos0(  )
   public int getPos1(  )
   public URL getURL(  )


This listener receives notification when the current ID in a HelpModel changes. ...

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