

Represents a list of named fields and their arguments. GraphQL objects can then implement an interface, which guarantees that they will contain the specified fields.

Absinthe Macro



In an Absinthe schema, defining the interface and mapping results to the associated GraphQL type:

​ @desc ​"​​A named object"​
​ interface ​:named​ ​do​
​  field ​:name​, ​:string​
​  ​# Other fields to be implemented​
​  resolve_type ​fn​
​  %Item{}, _ ->
​  ​:item​
​  _, _ ->
​  nil
​  ​end​
​ ​end​

An object type implementing the interface:

​ @desc ​"​​An item"​
​ object ​:item​ ​do​
» interfaces [​:named​]
​  field ​:name​, ​

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