
Corporate governance evaluation is designed to make a rating and judgment of governance structures and mechanisms, and the corporate governance index is a quantitative description of the governance status quo. In this book, we first propose a governance evaluation system and establish a corporate governance index system, and then we appraise the status quo of the listed companies' corporate governance from the six dimensions of behavior—of controlling shareholders, board of directors, supervisors' committee, management, information disclosure and other stakeholders. Finally we conduct empirical research on the relationships between the corporate governance index and corporate performance.

The research can provide theoretical guidance in order to perfect corporate governance mechanisms. The application of a governance index in analyzing the corporate governance status quo of listed companies can help the management to pinpoint existing problems and make related improvements on the one hand, and on the other hand it can provide investors with a sound evaluation tool and standards, which can help to evaluate the governance efficiency of investment objects and reduce the information asymmetry. It can also put some kind of effective reputation restraints on the companies and help supervisory authorities to exert valid supervision.

The book is oriented to scholars and students majoring in economics and management as well as readers from listed companies, supervisory authorities, ...

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