3.7. Exercises

3-1. Identifiers. Why are variable type declarations not used in Python?

3-2. Identifiers. Why are variable name declarations not used in Python?

3-3. Identifiers. Why should we avoid the use of the underscore to begin variable names with?

3-4. Statements. Can multiple Python statements be written on a single line?

3-5. Statements. Can a single Python statement be written over multiple lines?

3-6. Variable assignment.

(a) Given the assignment x, y, z = 1, 2, 3, what do x, y, and z contain?

(b) What do x, y, and z contain after executing: z, x, y = y, z, x?

3-7. Identifiers. Which of the following are valid Python identifiers? If not, why not? Of the invalid ones, which are keywords?

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