2.6. Numbers

Python supports four different numerical types:

  • int (signed integers)

  • long (long integers [can also be represented in octal and hexadecimal])

  • float (floating point real values)

  • complex (complex numbers)

Here are some examples:

float3.14159 4.2E-10 -90.6.022e23-1.609E-19
complex6.23+1.5j -1.23-875J0+1j9.80665-8.31441J-.0224+0j

Numeric types of interest are the Python long and complex types. Python long integers should not be confused with C long s. Python longs have a capacity that surpasses any C long. You are limited only by the amount of (virtual) memory in your system as far as range is concerned. If you are familiar with Java, a Python long is similar ...

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