

^ (carat) symbol

for matching from start of string, 6, 10

for negation, 12

? (question mark), in regex, 6, 1213, 24, 47

. (dot) symbol, in regex, 6, 9, 23

(?:...) notation, 32

(?!...) notation, 33

(?=...) notation, 33

{ } (brace operators), 12

{% %} (percent signs and braces), for Django block tags, 529

{% block ... %} tag, 553

{% extends ... %} tag, 554

* (asterisk), in regex, 6, 1213

** (exponentiation), 771

/ (division operator), 771, 810

Python 3 changes, 803804

// (double-slash division operator), 804, 811

// (floor division), 772, 803, 804, 810, 811

\ (backslash) to escape characters to include in search, 23

\s special character, for whitespace characters, 14

& (ampersand), for key-value pairs, 403

# (hash symbol)

for comment, ...

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