
Italic page numbers refer to examples of posters, advertisements, and quotes.


Abbott, David 91

advertising 6871

business to business/trade 71, 75

case study 9799

compared with direct marketing 71

conceptual 69, 71

copywriters’ interviews 8791

and development of creative ideas 7375, 8081, 82

editing copy 75, 79, 94

focusing on core message 72

getting pitch right 7172

guerrilla 71

main types 74

online 71, 209, see also blogs; e-mail marketing; websites

product specific 75

recruitment 71, 75

service specific 75

and target audience 7778

and tone of voice 79

see also direct mail; direct marketing

AirTran Airways 58

Allen, Robert G.: quoted 119

Alzheimer’s Association: ads 74, 86, 88

American Medical Association: newsletter (AMA Voice ...

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