

Academic status, 69
Access, 56
Architecture, 60
Archives, 158
Assessment, 148, 151
Assumptions, 19, 51, 54, 70, 81, 85
Authority, 57, 60, 134


Balance, 148
Best practices, 24
Bookstores, 8
Budgets, 119, 144


Career preparation, 68
Celebrations, 142
Change, 37, 64, 124, 141, 156
Circulation, 113
Cloud computing, 163
Collaboration, 27, 36, 40, 58, 64, 70, 114, 132
Collection development, 56
Collections, 56, 157
Commitment, 78
Communication, 9, 82, 134, 135
Competition, 14
Complexity, 39
Confidence, 77
Consensus, 87
Constituency-based support, 116
Control, 57, 82
Converged information organizations, benefits of, 32
Converged information organizations, challenges for, 38
Converged information organizations, history of, ...

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