

" (double quotes), XML entity for, Entity References
& (ampersand)
separating Meerkat query parameters, The Meerkat API
XML entity for, Entity References
' (apostrophe), XML entity for, Entity References
' and " (single and double quotes) in XML attributes, Elements and Attributes
< > (angle brackets)
< (left angle bracket), XML entity for, Entity References
<!-- and --> in XML comments, Comments
> (right angle bracket), XML entity for, Entity References


admin elements, Elements
Administration module, mod_admin
ag elements, Elements
age of stories displayed on Meerkat, The Meerkat API
Aggregation module, mod_aggregation
aggregators, Registries, Aggregators, and Search Engines
Meerkat, Web Aggregators: Introducing Meerkat, The Meerkat API
querying the API, The Meerkat API, The Meerkat API
REST architecture, The Meerkat API
NewsIsFree, Publish and Subscribe Within RSS 0.92 and 2.0
registering with, Registering with Aggregators
alternative resources (RDF), list of, rdf:Alt
alternative title for related item, Elements
converting XML document to RSS 1.0, Creating RSS Feeds from’s Web Service
web services, Creating RSS Feeds from’s Web Service
AmphetaDesk, Introducing AmphetaDesk, index.html
index.html file, index.html
installing, Installing AmphetaDesk
AmphetaDesk::Channels module, Installing AmphetaDesk
AmphetaDesk::ChannelsList module, Installing AmphetaDesk
annotate element, Element
Annotation module, mod_annotation
Apache servers, enabling server-side includes, Enabling ...

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