Structuring the Feed Itself

RSS feeds have their own internal structure. It is good to understand it now, because it allows you to see how your CMS can create an RSS feed in the most painless way. (Remember, if you don’t have a CMS, you can still create RSS files with a simple text editor.)

At its most basic, a feed consists of a channel, with its own attributes, an image, and a number of items contained within the channel, each with their own individual attributes, like this:

  • Channel (title, description, URL, creation date, etc.)

  • Image

  • Item (title, description, URL, etc.)

  • Item (title, description, URL, etc.)

  • Item (title, description, URL, etc.)

At their heart, these items inside an RSS feed are simple links to other resources, with varying amounts of description associated with each item. There are subtleties to each RSS standard’s version of what a “description” actually is and how much metadata can be given, and there are differing limits placed on which resources can be linked, but the basic aim is always the same.

For this reason, RSS feeds are always used with systems in which the content can be segmented into discrete sections or objects that can be linked.

News sites are good examples of this. News stories usually are broken into sections: headline, dateline, byline, body text, and so on, and some of these sections naturally map onto RSS fields. Weblogs are also good examples — their content grows in easily discernable chunks, each usually with a definable link, title, description, ...

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