Fill in the Blanks

  1. Tracking error is greater for ___________ records.
  2. Wow and flutter are produced by variations in ________ of the turntable.
  3. Rumble results because mechanical parts ___________ noisily.
  4. Needle scratch will be particularly _________ if the diameter of the needle is _________ for the groove.
  5. Distortion due to pinch effect is of ______________ harmonic order.
  6. Tracing distortion consists of ______________ harmonics.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. (c)

  2. (a)

  3. (a)

  4. (a)

  5. (b)

  6. (c)

  7. (a)

  8. (c)

Fill in the Blanks

  1. large

  2. speed

  3. run

  4. bad, too small

  5. even

  6. odd

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