Fill in the Blanks

  1. The higher the frequency, or harmonic, the ——————— the amount of energy it receives.
  2. In a voltage controlled amplifier a ——————— is applied to the input to control the gain.
  3. The common circuit found in guitar or amplifiers is simply a ——————— controlled VCA.
  4. Waveforms with generous amounts of harmonics are ———————to modify.
  5. Variable cut off ———————are used of modify the timbre of various waveforms.
  6. Changing any part of a synthesizer yields a ——————— different sound.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. (a)

  2. (b)

  3. (a)

  4. (b)

  5. (c)

  6. (a)

Fill in the Blanks

  1. smaller

  2. voltage

  3. sine wave

  4. easy

  5. low-pass filters

  6. radically

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