Fill in the Blanks

  1. The higher frequencies in the audio spectrum possess the_______energy content.
  2. Background noise is most noticeable in the form identitified as_______
  3. Tone controls can be used to_______the quality of sound.
  4. A system installed in poor acoustic environment may need a more_______set of controls.
  5. Additional amplification is needed when_______equalisers are used, so that normal level is maintained.
  6. Mixers are the_______centre of an audio system.
  7. With equalisers_______gain must be provided so the output is at_______level.
  8. Mixers introduce_______depending on how many controlled circuits are connected together for mixing.

Fill in the Blanks

  1. least

  2. hiss

  3. enhance

  4. comprehensive

  5. passive-type

  6. action

  7. extra, proper

  8. loss ...

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