Fill in the Blanks

  1. In a __________ system both the transmitted and received signals have to be processed by similar circuits.
  2. Companders are __________ cum __________ circuits.
  3. The expander circuit reverses the process of __________ circuit.
  4. Noise reduction circuits seek to reduce noise, particularly in __________ passages of signal.
  5. The compression and expansion factor in a dbx noise reduction system is __________.
  6. The Burwen system works with original program material which has not been __________ during recording.

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. (a)

  2. (a)

  3. (b)

  4. (a)

  5. (c)

  6. (a)

Fill in the Blanks

  1. double-ended

  2. compressor, expander

  3. compressor

  4. quiet

  5. 2:1

  6. modified

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