Chapter Nineteen
Because sometimes you need answers, not explanations
1. Think relationships, relationships, relationships.
2. Remember relationships drive business.
3. For China, think of your usual level of business preparation, then double it.
4. For China, do everything more thoroughly: prepare more thoroughly, research more thoroughly, enquire more thoroughly.
5. China requires a personal touch.
6. Who you are matters in China, just as much, if not more, than what you know.
7. The most important word in the Chinese lexicon is ‘We’, in the Western world it is ‘I’. To be successful, make the shift.
8. From the beginning, handle as much as possible face-to-face.
9. Do your research in person, visit the sites, meet prospective partners.
10. Whenever possible phone, don’t email.
11. Handle video conferencing with care as it puts the Chinese on the spot. If essential, table questions well in advance.
12. Remember the importance of face, of Chinese dignity and reputation.
13. Ask yourself constantly if what you are doing is building face or taking it away.
14. Set your intention for China; make it a ‘we’ based intention: mutual benefit.
15. Remember that respect and civility are your greatest business assets in China.
16. Understand the slower timelines in China, and make sure that your stakeholders do.
17. Learn to value patient progress and avoid ultimatums.
18. Consult, consult, consult with the Chinese.
19. Be open and transparent in your dealings. It wins great ...

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