Subject Index


Abstract Data Type (ADT), 107
ACID (Atomicity, consistency, integrity, and durability) properties, 374
Acquisition board (MDA320CA), 69–70
Active data archival, 393
Activities of Daily Living (ADLs), 51
Adaptive and Robust Topology control (ART), 34–35
ad hoc wireless network, 30
Agent-based systems
SWAP, 154–155
Aggregation with Increasing Scopes (AIS), 325, 330
cascading movement, 211
DFP-SVM training, 231
energy efficient, 207
Equal Cost Multipath (ECMP), 300
event coverage enhancement, 209
K-means, 245
limited mobility, 208
maximum weighted flow, 202
minimax, 194
NLP, 225
Weighted DFP-SVM training, 231
optimal sensor mobility, 206
randomized movement, 197
scan-based movement, 195–196
VECtor-based, ...

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