
Note: this index includes references to processes in the computer only where the text introduces or explains the process; it does not include every reference in specific exercises. For example ‘colour’ is only indexed where the page explains the use of colour, not where an exercise asks the user to set an object’s colour. Similarly program names are listed when the text introduces their functionality rather than when they are referred to in exercises.

3D Studio Max, see Max

3D Studio Viz, see Viz

3D World, 22

3dsmax, see Max

Aardman Animations, 177

Adding Machine, The, 2


Acrobat, 205

Photoshop, 17, 18, 27

Portable Document Format, see PDF

Premier, 181

Alias Wavefront Maya, 21

Ambient light, 122

AMD Athlon, 2930

Amedee, or how to ...

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