Actual cost, 67

Agile development

advantages and disadvantages of, 6–7

definition of, 5

with iterations, 6

Backlog tasks, 108–109

Backward pass, 40–42

Baseline establishment, 55–59

Budget for software testing project, 51–54

Coding, 4

Cost baseline, 49

Cost performance index, 60

Cost tree structure, 50–51

Cost variance, 60

Critical path

calculation problems, 42–44

description of, 39–40

Custom fields, scrum projects, 104–107

Custom reports, generating, 73–76

Dependency types, 77–78

Discretionary dependencies, 78

Earned value (EV)

actual cost, 67

baseline cost, 66–67

computations, 59, 68

example of, 60–61

forecasting, 61–62

metrics, 60

percentage complete, 66

percentage work complete, 66

planned value, 67

using MS-Project, 62–65

verifying ...

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