What are the options when security breaches or accidents occur? How do we prepare for trouble so that we can minimize the consequences and respond quickly and effectively? This part includes these chapters and topics:

  • 56. Computer Security Incident Response Teams. Planning and rehearsing responses to a wide variety of security problems—in advance instead of on the fly
  • 57. Data Backups and Archives. The essential tool for all forms of recovery
  • 58. Business Continuity Planning. Systematic approach to analyzing the priorities for orderly recovery when anything interrupts the smooth operation of the organization
  • 59. Disaster Recovery. Planning for rapid, cost-effective return to normal after a crisis is over
  • 60. Insurance Relief. Using modern insurance services to reduce the consequences of disasters
  • 61. Working with Law Enforcement. Establishing relations with all levels of law enforcement before there is a crisis, and coordinating efficiently and effectively to support investigation and prosecution of criminals

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