IDEA (Fig. 9.20) is a block cipher design by Xuejia Lai and James Massey. Its design was influenced by DES; it uses eight rounds to mix the key and plaintext. In each round the basic operations applied to 16-bit variables X1, X1, X2, X3 are XOR, modulo 216 + 1 multiplication, and modulo 216 addition. Additionally, at the end of each round there is an interchange of the processed blocks X1 and X2. At the end of the eighth round there is an additional combination of the key and processed plaintext.

9.21.1 The IDEA Key Schedule

The IDEA key of length 128-bits is divided into 8 blocks of 16 bits K = (K0, Ki, …, K7). IDEA uses six blocks of 16 bits in each of the eight rounds and four blocks for the final operation. The blocks used in each round are derived as follows:

  1. K0, K1, …, K5 are used in round 1; K6, K7 are the first two blocks in round 2.
  2. The 128-bit block K is left-shifted 25 places, and the first four 16-bit blocks K8, K9, K10, K12 are used in round 2.

The process is repeated.

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