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IBM, “IBM Cryptographic Subsystem Concepts and Facilities,” GC22-9063-04. IBM Corporation, 1985.

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M. E. HELLMAN, B. W. DIFFIE, AND R. C. MERKLE, U.S. Patent 4,200,770, “Cryptographic Apparatus and Method,” Filed September 6, 1977; Granted April 29, 1980.

R. M. NEEDHAM AND M. D. SCHROEDER, “Using Authentication for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers,” Communications of the ACM, 21, 993–999 (1978).

1Nonce, for used only once, is introduced as part of the authentication process.

2An improved Needham–Schroeder protocol modified the request message to (REQ, EK(ID[A]){REQ}) and included a time-stamp in addition to the nonce. In this case, the request message could only be constructed with knowledge of the key K(ID[A]).

Computer Security and Cryptography. By Alan G. KonheimCopyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

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