Wiley-IS&T Series in Imaging Science and Technology

Series Editor:

Michael A. Kriss


Consultant Editor:

Lindsay W. MacDonald


Reproduction of Colour (6th Edition)

R.W.G. Hunt


Colour Appearance Models (2nd Edition)

Mark D. Fairchild


Colorimetry: Fundamentals and Applications

Noburu Ohta and Alan R. Robertson


Color Constancy

Marc Ebner


Color Gamut Mapping

Ján Morovi1


Panoramic Imaging: Sensor-Line Cameras and Laser Range-Finders

Fay Huang, Reinhard Klette and Karsten Scheibe


Digital Color Management (2nd Edition)

Edward J. Giorgianni and Thomas E. Madden


The JPEG 2000 Suite

Peter Schelkens, Athanassios Skodras and Touradj Ebrahimi (Eds.)


Color Management: Understanding and Using ICC Profiles

Phil Green (Ed.)


Fourier Methods in Imaging

Roger L. Easton, Jr.


Measuring Colour (4th Edition)

R.W.G. Hunt and M.R. Pointer


The Art and Science of HDR Imaging

John McCann and Alessandro Rizzi


Computational Colour Science using MATLAB (2nd Edition)

Stephen Westland, Caterina Ripamonti and Vien Cheung


Published in Association with the Society for Imaging Science and Technology


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