Chapter 4: An Overview of System Components

Exam Objectives

check.png Introducing the basic components that make up personal computers

check.png Identifying the fundamental principles that apply to personal computers

This chapter defines basic terminology and provides a brief overview of many topics that are covered in this book. By the time you finish reading this chapter, you should have a good understanding of the major components of the personal computer, from the motherboard to the monitor.

In preparation for the rest of the minibooks, I give you an overview of the major elements that make up the modern computer. As an A+ Certified Professional, you must be aware of these components, be able to service and manage these components, and be able to explain computing concepts to other people.

What Is a Computer?

Computers are a major element of our society, and they exist in so many places that we tend to forget that they are there. In simple terms, all computers are made up of four basic functions:

diamonds.jpg Data input

diamonds.jpg Data output



These functions, along with their related devices, are illustrated ...

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