

ActiveAdmin gem, 29

ActiveRecord model specs, 5154

API components, 190191

application continuum, 1415

applications, refactoring components from. See refactoring components

asset loading, 7482


bottom-up approach to component extraction

explained, 112120

Predictor component extraction, 120139


C#, 241243

capybara gem, 64

CarrierWave uploader, 201202, 204

cbratools gem, 188

CI (continuous integration) server setup

Jenkins, 7072

Travis CI, 7274, 102103

classes, public interface of, 51

Cloud Foundry, 86, 8790, 103109

cobradeps gem, 4, 26, 138

collaboration, 67

common functionality components, 192193

Commontator, 29

communication of intent, 45

complexity, 1012

component diagrams, 34, 2627

component initializers, ...

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