Read the Data, Build a Bipartite Network

As always, the script starts with a fat chunk of import statements.

 import​ ​pandas​ ​as​ ​pd
 import​ ​numpy​ ​as​ ​np
 import​ ​networkx​ ​as​ ​nx
 from​ ​networkx.algorithms.bipartite​ ​import​ sets, weighted_projected_graph
 from​ ​networkx.drawing.nx_agraph​ ​import​ graphviz_layout
 import​ ​scipy.spatial.distance​ ​as​ ​dist
 from​ ​scipy.stats​ ​import​ pearsonr
 import​ ​community
 import​ ​generalized
 import​ ​dzcnapy_plotlib​ ​as​ ​dzcnapy
 import​ ​matplotlib.pyplot​ ​as​ ​plt

Boston’s Justice Resource Institute generously provided the dataset for this project.[55] You can find it in the file jri_data.csv. The file is a correctly formatted CSV table with standard ...

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