
This book would not be possible without my editor, Adaobi Obi Tulton. She had the courage to learn the dark inner secrets of complex network analysis and guided me through the minefields of manuscript preparation, from the fuzzy ideas at the onset to this very book in flesh and blood. Thank you, Adaobi.

I am grateful to my reviewers (in alphabetical order): Cody Buntain (University of Maryland), Remy Cazabet (Lyon University), Mark Chu-Carroll (Imagen Technologies), Raphaël Fournier-S’niehotta (CÉDRIC), Michael Lin (Fugue Inc.), Jason Montojo (University of Toronto), Jose Arturo Mora (EY, BNN Mexico), Prasham​ Ojha​ (University​ of​ Koblenz-Landau), Talha Oz (George Mason University), and Rajesh Kumar Pandey (Gade Autonomous ...

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