A.2 Formal Language Theory Review

A.2.1 Strings

Let ∑ be a finite, non-empty set of symbols, called an alphabet.

A string (or word) over ∑ is a finite sequence of symbols put side-by-side.

For example, abacc is a string over {a, b, c}.

The length of string s over ∑, denoted by |s|, is the total number of occurrences of symbols in s.

For example, |abacc| = 5.

A string of length 0 is called the empty string or null string, denoted by ε or λ.

A.2.2 Binary Operation on Strings

Let x = a1 a2am and y = b1 b2bn be strings over ∑, of lengths m and n respectively. The concatenation of x and y, denoted by xy, or xoy is the string a1 a2 … am b1 b2 …bn .

A.2.3 Relationships Between Strings

A string x is called a prefix of a string z iff ∃y, [z =

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