1. Check which of the following are LL(1):
    (a) S –> A | B
         A –> aA | a    	 
         B –> bB | b
     (b) S –> AB   	    
         A –> Ba
         B –> Cb | c	
         C –> c  
     (c) S –> aAaB | bAbB
         A –> S | cb
         B –> cB | a
  2. Have you wondered why we did not discuss LL(k), k > 1 parsers, say LL(2) parsers? Try to form a parsing function M() for LL(2) parser.
  3. Try to convert the following grammar to a regular expression:
    S –> aA	  B –> bC
    A –> aA	  C –> cB
    A –> aB	  C –> c
  4. Show that the following grammar is not LL(1):
    V –> S#	  
    S –> aAa | empty
    A –> abS | c
  5. Give the rules by which you can distinguish the following types of grammars: Regular, LL(1) with and without empty rules, context-sensitive, LR(0) and SLR(1).
  6. Check if the following grammar is SLR(1) or not:
    S –> E# E –> T E –> E;T T –> empty T –> ...

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