Chapter 15

Overcoming Barriers to Change

In This Chapter

arrow Performing a strategic readiness assessment

arrow Recognizing corporate values that lead to success

arrow Identifying change-averse personalities among leadership

arrow Banishing the enemies of innovation

arrow Overcoming interpretation bias to open minds

Most organizations resist change. They’re so comfortable doing what they’ve always done that they’re willing to do it for as long as it takes to go out of business. Many leaders are so stubborn and narcissistic that they reject brilliant ideas and even fire the creative souls who have the nerve to fight for those ideas. The sad fact is that roughly 80 percent of the time, companies fail to move from actionable intelligence to strategy and execution. They simply don’t do what they know they must do to succeed.

As a competitive intelligence (CI) professional, you’re likely to find yourself on the front lines in the battle against the enemies of change. When you do, you may need to fight that battle ...

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